About Us
Who we are
Showing the way to God. We are the Society of Jesus, or the Jesuits, a Roman Catholic order of priests and brothers founded nearly 500 years ago by a soldier-turned-mystic, Saint Ignatius of Loyola.
The Society of Jesus is made up of geographical territories called “provinces.”
There are approximately 80 Jesuit provinces around the world (although their number and boundaries have never been static). Each province has a superior who is simply called “the Provincial,” and who, in turn, reports directly to the central Jesuit government or “curia” in Rome, headed by the Superior General. The current “Father General,” as he is often called, is Father Arturo Sosa, S.J.
In the United States, there are currently five provinces, and in Canada there is one. And there are many Jesuit communities within the provinces, each one usually headed by a “superior.”
There are approximately 80 Jesuit provinces around the world (although their number and boundaries have never been static). Each province has a superior who is simply called “the Provincial,” and who, in turn, reports directly to the central Jesuit government or “curia” in Rome, headed by the Superior General. The current “Father General,” as he is often called, is Father Arturo Sosa, S.J.
In the United States, there are currently five provinces, and in Canada there is one. And there are many Jesuit communities within the provinces, each one usually headed by a “superior.”
The administrative arm of the Jesuits of Canada and the United States is the Jesuit Conference of Canada and the United States. The Conference helps coordinate the relationships among all the various Jesuit entities, including service organizations and the provinces, as well as between them and the international headquarters in Rome.
Jesuit leaders from all countries meet from time to time for what are called General Congregations, often to elect a new Superior General and address important issues facing the order, the Church, and the world. There have been 36 General Congregations throughout the history of the Jesuits, and they are the highest governing authority of the Society of Jesus.
Our Mission
To work for reconciliation every day — with God, with human beings and with the environment.
Our values support our missions.
- Responding with intellectual rigor to the most challenging issues of our times.
- Employing Ignatian discernment in decision-making.
- Caring for the poor, the vulnerable and the earth, our common home.
- Serving the Church with creativity and with fidelity to our Jesuit tradition.
- Bridging societal divides and fostering understanding among diverse people and cultures.
- Collaborating regionally, through partnerships and in networks, to serve the people of God.