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Ministry Type: Pastoral Ministries

Sacred Heart Parish, Tacoma

Sacred Heart Parish

As Roman Catholic Community, Sacred Heart Parish is faithful to Jesus’ teachings and our sacred Catholic tradition. Our devotion to the Lord comes from the liturgy, the sacraments and multiethnic people who embrace our community and welcome all newcomers.

St. Ignatius Mission Church

Rocky Mountain Mission Parishes

As far back as the late 18th century, Chief Shining Shirt of the Pend d’Oreille tribe in Mission Valley, Montana, had visions that one day men would come in black robes and teach important new truths about religion. That prophecy was fulfilled when, at the urging of Native people, Fr. Peter DeSmet, a Belgian Jesuit, worked to establish missions with the Flatheads in 1841, the Coeur d’Alenes in 1842, the Kalispels in 1844 and the Colviles in 1845.

Memorial University Campus Ministry

Memorial University hosts Chaplains from number of faith groups who are here to students of any faith thrive, providing someone to talk to and spiritual development of growth.

St. Ignatius Parish

St. Ignatius Parish is a strong community of families, single professionals, empty nesters, retirees, Catholics, and others who aspire to do great things for God and others.

University of British Columbia Campus Ministry

UBC Campus Ministry provides a safe environment for students who wish to further their spiritual journey. Confidential spiritual and personal counselling are available, as well as the opportunity to discuss faith issues in various discussion forums. Students do not have to be Roman Catholic to use the services of the Campus Ministry and to attend their events.

St. Isaac Jogues Parish

We the people of St. Isaac Jogues Parish, recognizing our rich Native American history and Jesuit identity are a Catholic community empowered by the Holy Spirit, the sacraments and prayer.

Parroquia El Buen Pastor

The parish of El Buen Pastor (The Good Shepherd) includes one main church and two chapels in the town of Mayaguez, Puerto Rico.