Resource "view" Examples
The following are examples to get 3 resource items using this view name=”resources-by-type”.
By passing the “slug” to each shortcode attribute you control what the view will display.
Remember you must pass the “slug” and not the name.
Where to find the "Slug"
The 4 different attributes and some of the slugs:
- rescategory=”events, ministries, press-release, publications, spiritual, story”
- resmediatype=”document, video, webpage”
- ressubject=”ecology, education, global-church, government, immigration, international, investment-responsibility, parishes, retreats, social-justice, spirituality, universal-apostolic-preferences, youth”
- restag=tags used from the resource items
Resources tag view: tags="the-society-of-jesus" limit 3 [wpv-view name="resources-by-tags" limit="3" restag="the-society-of-jesus"]
[wpv-view name="resources-by-tags" limit="3" restag="the-society-of-jesus"]
For the following example show only Events that are taged as "office-of-advancement"
Resources type view by category="events" and tags="office-of-advancement" limit 3
(even though the limit is 3 only one may show up as only current and future events are displayed) [wpv-view name="resources-by-type" limit="3" rescategory="events" restag="office-of-advancement"]
Resources type view by category="events" and tags="office-of-advancement" limit 3
(even though the limit is 3 only one may show up as only current and future events are displayed) [wpv-view name="resources-by-type" limit="3" rescategory="events" restag="office-of-advancement"]
[wpv-view name="resources-by-type" limit="3" rescategory="events" restag="office-of-advancement"]
Resources type view: category="events" limit 3 [wpv-view name="resources-by-type" limit="3" rescategory="events"]
[wpv-view name="resources-by-type" limit="3" rescategory="events"]
Resources type view: subject=”education” limit 3 [wpv-view name=”resources-by-type” limit=”3″ ressubject=”education”]
[wpv-view name=”resources-by-type” limit=”3″ ressubject=”education”]
The following are examples to get 3 and 6 resource items using these 2 views:
The 2 different attributes and options are:
ministriestype=”advocacy, community-assistance, colleges-and-universities, elementary-schools, middle-and-high-schools, pastoral-ministries, retreat-and-spirituality-ministries, social-justice-ministries, youth”
whatstates=”from the list of states/provinces”
The ministries-by-type has a map so it can’t be used twice on the same page so if you need to a second map, you will have to use the following 2 views on the same page.
Same options as name=”ministries-by-type”.
Ministries type view: what states=”connecticut,georgia” limit 3 (map included for this view. please let me know if you want me to remove the map, or have a different view without a map.) [wpv-view name=”ministries-by-type” limit=”3″ whatstates=”connecticut,georgia”]
[wpv-view name=”ministries-by-type” limit=”3″ whatstates=”connecticut,georgia”]
Second map on same page. (name=”ministries-by-type-2″ Note the “-2” at the end)
Ministries type view: ministriestype=”elementary-schools, middle-and-high-schools” limit 6 (map included for this view. please let me know if you want me to remove the map, or have a different view without a map.) [wpv-view name=”ministries-by-type-2” limit=”6″ ministriestype=”elementary-schools, middle-and-high-schools”] [wpv-view name=”ministries-by-type-2″ limit=”6″ ministriestype=”elementary-schools, middle-and-high-schools”]
Ministries type view: ministriestype=”elementary-schools, middle-and-high-schools” limit 6 (map included for this view. please let me know if you want me to remove the map, or have a different view without a map.) [wpv-view name=”ministries-by-type-2” limit=”6″ ministriestype=”elementary-schools, middle-and-high-schools”] [wpv-view name=”ministries-by-type-2″ limit=”6″ ministriestype=”elementary-schools, middle-and-high-schools”]