Dear Friends,
What is service, and what is work?
One of this issue’s writers, Jacob Zelinski, reflects on this question. He concludes that if we participate in an activity (in this case, a “job”) with gratitude, and if we do so for the greater glory of God, our activity is both work and service. In Jacob’s words, “Our work is our service, and our service is our work.” I invite you to read more of his thoughts on pages 16-17.The founder of the Jesuits would no doubt be pleased with that assessment. As St. Ignatius of Loyola reminds us in the Spiritual Exercises, Christ calls us to follow him, and the most effective work happens when we allow God to act through us.
Throughout this magazine, you will find stories of people who are answering Christ’s invitation to join Him in healing the world—people like:
- Dr. Bill Ahrens, a pediatrician and emergency medicine physician who co-founded and works at the Mayan Health Initiative in Guatemala (page 5).
- Fr. Michael Flecky, SJ, a professor of fine arts at Creighton University, whose art is “a form of service” (pages 8-9).
- Joyce Tibbitts, who coordinates ministries on the Pine Ridge Reservation in South Dakota, and reminds us that “Ignatius taught us that we need to see God in all things” (pages 18-19).
Continue Reading Fr. Paulson’s Letter
Special Report: Ignatian Innovation
Cristo Rey Jesuit High School Milwaukee graduated its first class of seniors on May 31 at Church of the Gesu.
Photo: Jennifer Mazza
Jesuit Connections
Klaire Mathews has gained knowledge and heart for humanity from her involvement with the Jesuits.
The Gift of Time
Arts and Culture
Fr. Michael Flecky sees where art and spirituality intersect. – By Michael Austin
A Heart on Fire
The Truth Concerning God – By Pierce Gibson, SJ
A Jesuit’s Journey
“Out of the Blue” – Fr. John Mace, SJ
Living the Magis
A Privilege to Serve – By Jacob Zelinski
Jesuit Parishes
Parishes such as Holy Rosary Mission serve as “destinations of faith.”
We Give Thanks
Social and International
Breaking Out of the Tomb of Racism
By Billy Critchley-Menor, SJ
Following St. Ignatius to Follow Jesus
By Fr. Brian Paulson, SJ