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Statement on the completion of the investigation into allegations of abuse against Fr Leon Lajoie, SJ

Montreal.– The Jesuits of Canada are grateful for the work done by the independent third-party investigator, Brian D. King of the King International Advisory Group (KIAG) into allegations of sexual abuse against the late Fr. Leon Lajoie, SJ.

The conclusions of KIAG do not currently support any allegation of child sexual abuse by Fr. Leon Lajoie.

A copy of the executive summary of the report, as posted on the Mohawk Council of Kahnawá:ke’s (MCK) website, can be found here.

We are acting on the report’s recommendations.

As we have maintained from the beginning, we will continue to follow the lead of the MCK. We are grateful for the continued leadership of Grand Chief Kahsennenhawe Sky-Deer and Chief Tonya Perron, and the MCK in this process.

We also reaffirm our continued commitment to listen and respond to victims of abuse. As Pope Francis has said, “God weeps for the sexual abuse of children. These cannot be maintained in secret,” and a commitment to ensure that all responsible are held accountable is crucial.

Any questions about the details of the investigation should be directed to Brian D. King at


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Investigation on Fr. Lajoie executive summary presentation

PRESS RELEASE : Fr Leon Lajoie, SJ, and Kahnawà:ke