Born: November 21, 1984
Entered Society: August 23, 2008
As a Jesuit: Fr. Sand has worked as a chaplain at St. Barnabas Hospital in New York City, taught Latin and history at the University of Detroit Jesuit High School and Academy, and played the role of a support person for a community of Jesuit Volunteers in Canada.
Assignment Following Ordination: Fr. Sand will teach religion at St. John’s Jesuit High School in Toledo, Ohio.
On the occasion of my first vows in the Society of Jesus, I was called upon to express gratitude to my family, friends, and other benefactors. This task came easily, for it was apparent to me even then that life in the Society is impossible without the love, prayers, and support of others. Yet, I also asked the people assembled that day to continue to pray for me, for first vows were only the beginning of a long journey. Again, I am asked to express my gratitude, this time on the occasion of my ordination to the priesthood. Thank you all so very much for your prayers and support these past few years.
I now ask again for your continued prayers and support, for the ordination to the priesthood is perhaps only the end of the beginning. The years ahead will hopefully be full of joys and pains, triumphs and defeats—as a life richly led always is—and in the end that will be too much for me alone. Your prayers and support will be needed as much tomorrow as they were yesterday.
Any thought of the many-faceted gifts of life, friends, and family reminds me to give thanks to God, our heavenly Father, for all the gifts he has already given and those he will give to me in the future. My whole life is simply a returning to him, and it is a joy to know that in that great return he has called upon me to perform some particular service to his greater glory as a priest in conformity with his beloved Son.