Join the Ignatian Family in St. Louis for an afternoon of celebration of God in nature.
On Sunday, May 22, from 2:00 – 6:00 p.m., you can come together with others with Jesuit connections to roam the beautiful grounds of the White House Jesuit Retreat, pray, celebrate the Eucharist and enjoy a picnic dinner.

Throughout the past year commemorating St. Ignatius’ conversion, the Ignatian Family has been treated to many ways of deepening our understanding of this momentous event not only for Ignatius, but for ourselves as well. This event allows us to experience God in nature in a spectacular setting.
2:00 p.m. Grounds open to roam
3:00 Reading of St. Francis of Assisi’s Canticle of Creation
4:00 Outdoor Mass: Sixth Sunday of Easter
Presider: Father Dan Daly, SJ
5:00 Picnic Dinner
If you plan to stay for the picnic dinner, please RSVP by May 16 to Sister Amy Diesen at
Come and join us for this special time. Please see the event flyer for the details and to RSVP.