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2022 Lenten Resources from Jesuits East

Feb. 23, 2022 – The USA East Province has gathered a collection of Lenten resources that we hope will help you on your journey to Easter.

Lenten 2022 Audio Reflections

The Office of Ignatian Spirituality’s Ignatian Young Adult Ministries initiative invites you to pray and reflect alongside our young adults during the season of Lent. Audio reflections and readings will be available to listen to and download to all who wish to join in prayer. Click here to sign up and receive them in your inbox each week.

Young adults (20’s and 30’s) are also invited to sign up for an online small group gathering, which will happen on either Mondays or Tuesdays. Audio reflections and readings will be provided for prayer and discussion. Click here to register for a small group.

JARS East Hosting Lenten Reflection Series

The Jesuit Antiracism Sodality (JARS) East is a space for those who have a passion for racial justice in the USA East Province of the Jesuits to come together to pray, reflect and act. JARS is open to all connected to the Province in any way: Jesuits, colleagues, and friends. During this Lent, JARS is organizing a prayer and reflection series based on The Spiritual Work of Racial Justice by Patrick Saint-Jean. Participants will gather online for small group spiritual conversation and share experiences of prayer over the course of Lent. Find more information and register for the series here.

Laudato Si’ Lent with ISN

During each week of Lent, members of the Ignatian Solidarity Network family will deepen their understanding of the Laudato Si’ Action Platform (LSAP) and consider how individuals and institutions can make commitments to more fully live out the call of Laudato Si’. Each week will focus on one of the LSAP goals, with a video, prayer resources and suggestions for concrete action. Learn more at Laudato Si’ Lent 2022.

Additional Resources

  • Midwest Jesuits Way of the Cross – Reflections on the 14 Stations of the Cross written by Jesuits and lay colleagues from the Midwest Province.  Available in written or audio format.
  • Jesuit Prayer – Receive the daily Scripture reading, an Ignatian reflection, and a short prayer each day through the app, on the website, or by signing up for the daily email. We also offer personal responses to prayer requests; all are remembered in Masses celebrated by the Jesuits.
  • An Ignatian Guide to Lent – This Lent, the Jesuit Conference invites you to use Ignatian spirituality to breathe new insight into these sacred rituals. Learn about Lent and about Ignatian spirituality through the lived experiences of fellow practitioners.
  • As I Have Done For You – This online Lenten retreat is offered by Becky Eldredge and her Ignatian ministry team. This Lent, the Jesuit Conference invites you to use Ignatian spirituality to breathe new insight into these sacred rituals. Learn about Lent and about Ignatian spirituality through the lived experiences of fellow practitioners.
  • Stations of the Cross by Jesuit Refugee Service USA – Pray these Stations of the Cross to accompany Jesus on his journey, as we watch and pray over displaced people around the world.
  • Growing in Friendship with God this Lent – This Lent, grow in your friendship with God the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit with this series from the dotMagis blog. Find Fr. William Barry’s meditations for Lenten Wednesdays and reflections inspired by the mediations on
  • From Ashes to Glory (Lenten Examen by Fr. Joe Tetlow, SJ) – From Ashes to Glory invites you to take up the practice of reflecting on your day, its gifts and graces, and the progress you are making in life with Christ. It’s a way of praying the Examen through Lent, with materials by Fr. Joseph Tetlow, SJ.
  • 3-Minute Retreat – Loyola Press offers a short daily retreat in English and in Spanish, online or through an app.
  • Living Lent Daily – Inspired by Fr. Joe Tetlow, SJ’s new book of prayers, You Have Called Me by My Name, we’ll explore the Examen and direct our attention to Jesus’ experience of the Passion.
  • Seven Last Words – Online prayer meditations commemorating each of the seven last words that Jesus uttered from the cross.
  • Arts & Faith: Lent – Each week you’ll find a video commentary about a work of art inspired by the Sunday Scriptures. Use these videos to take a new look at this season of spiritual renewal through the lens of sacred art.
  • Alpha Sigma Nu Lenten Series – Sign up to receive weekly emails focusing on the traditional themes of prayer, fasting, and almsgiving in community with fellow ASN members. Explore these themes with history, prayer, resources, and reflections from ASN alumni members, and watch weekly video reflections from Jesuit ASN members on the Sunday readings
  • Lenten Resources from Xavier University – A variety of resources and prayers for Lent